Life Before Google: A Blast from the Dial-Up Past

Remember the good old days? No, not the 1950s (though they had their charm too). I'm talking about the era before the internet became as essential as oxygen. Picture this: You're researching a school project. No, not by Googling it. You're bravely venturing into the labyrinthine stacks of the library, armed with nothing but a … Continue reading Life Before Google: A Blast from the Dial-Up Past

Remember Dial-Up? Life Before the Internet

Daily writing promptDo you remember life before the internet?View all responses Remember Dial-Up? Life Before the Internet For many of you reading this, the internet has always been a part of life. It's hard to imagine a world without Google searches, instant messaging, or cat videos. But believe it or not, there was a time … Continue reading Remember Dial-Up? Life Before the Internet